Thyroid issues:

The Gluten-thyroid connection (Sean Croxton)

Dr. Tom O’bryan, Host, The gluten Summit

Get a shower filter! (Chlorine gas, halogens), Florine, and Bromine.

Foods: goitergenic foods: cruciferous (maybe raw or cooked?) maybe eliminate if necessary for a little. soy: possibly impacting in a negative way. Gluten sensitivity with or without celiac disease: if you have a sensitivity 43% will have thyroid disfunction symptoms (european journal of endocrinology).

Autoimmunity with gluten sensitivity is very common. your immune system builds up antibodies to attack gluten (it’s a big molecule).


The surface of your thyroid is made up of proteins and fats. Gluten is one of those proteins. antibody damages the thyroid cell with the protein, then the body makes antibodies to clean up the damaged thyroid cell, these antibodies can attack your thyroid.


Toxic glutens: wheat rye and barley.


The tests for celiac disease are very accurate for the end stage, but are not good for early on set.


Autoimmune disease is the number 3 cause of dying, or some say number 1.

Hormones get into our cells via receptor sites that There are only 2 substances for qhich there are receptor sites in every cell in our bodies: Vitamin D and Thyroid Hormone. Thyroid is the thermostat that controls the temp in our body (metabolism).

Any symptom in our body may be caused by a thyroid disorder

Most common symptoms: sluggish feeling, temperature: cold hands and feet. A lack of vital energy (the juice of life). A lack of activity to brain function (mood / depression). You can’t lose weight even if you don’t eat for a day or two.

Intestinal permeability, tears in the cheese cloth. Fix the tears in the cheesecloth and your allergies will be fixed.

Macromolecules getting in to the tears in the cheese cloth.


How does he feel about food sensitvity testing? IGG (90 food panel) what about the IGA?

There is no comprehensive test that tests for everything right now, by Cyrex labs has the best comprehensive testing right now.

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Euthyroid: When all the blood markers look good, but LPS is contributing to and causing the thyroid disorder.70% of the immune system is in your gut.

Healing the gut: look for the environmental triggers, the foods above. Nutrition: pleotropic approach. glutamine, fish oils, vitamin d, colostrum, probiotics, look on his website.


causes: food, stress, medications. FDA came out in 2009 and said liver damage and death are side effects of some thyroid medications.


Thyroid function is key to feeling great.


Dr David Brownstein, MD, Thyroid nodules and cancer: causes and treatments.

Thyroid cancer is the fastest growing caner in the united states right now.

The thyroid gland is part of the glandular tissue of the body: Thyroid, overies, uterus, breast, and prostate.

What are we havi problems with right now? 1/7 women breast cancer, 1/3 men prostate cancer, thyroid cancer (fastest growing), uterine, ovarian…

The problem is we are trating sysmptoms and not causes and preventions.

Iodine is an essential nutrient. It is needed by every cell in the bosy, we can’t live without iodine. Iodine concentrates in the glandoid tissue. Iodine’s main job in all of these tissues is to maintain the architecture. When iodine levels are insufficient, the first thing that happens in the glandulkar tissue is it becomes cystic. Then cysts become nodules, then hyperplastic, then cancer. Conventional medicine does not address this and argues that we all have enough iodine in our bodies. Not true, Dr. Brownstein has been studying for over 12 years now.

How does someone find out if they have a deficiency in iodine? He was taught in med school that no one has a iodine deficiency. Iodized salt in the 1920’s took care of all the iodine problems across the USA. (HAHA) He says totally wrong. He and his partners have tested over 6000 patients with over 96% deficient in iodine. The vast majority severely deficient.


Test: take a know amount of iodine (50mg) and collect urin samplkes for 24 hours. Then compare the amount of iodine that came out in the urine sample with how much went in (50mg). most people are highly deficiient.

Co supplements need to be taken to flush out the haloides when supplementing with iodine.