#22 From Freggies to Fresh Farm Boxes

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Jeremy and I noticed by this time that my new diet plan was demanding frequent trips to the grocery store in order to have enough fresh vegetables to juice and to eat. I would go weekly to Costco to get 5 10lb bags of carrots. Almost every time one of the workers asked if I had horses or woFrondered what I did with all those carrots. The question was almost as old as asking how tall I am or if I played basketball. (I’m 6 feet tall, in case you were wondering.)  I also frequented Sprouts, a local grocery food chain that specializes in natural and organic food, similar to Whole Foods. There I could find all the organic and special ingredients that my diet required. I could find vegan alternatives to dairy and meat, nutritional yeast, coconut aminos, tahini, magnesium supplements, and all kinds and varieties of fresh organic produce–much of it locally farmed.

But Jeremy wondered if there was a way to get fresh organic produce delivered to your door. As he researched the idea, he came across a franchise, Freggies, based out of Seattle. The company delivers fresh produce and specialty items in a weekly delivery box. Jeremy loved the idea and became consumed with the thought of opening a location of the franchise in the Phoenix area. He began talking with Jarrod Sessler, the owner, about the possibility. In the course of the conversation Jeremy learned that Jarrod is a stage IV melanoma cancer survivor himself–that he healed himself through alternative treatments instead of the conventional chemotherapy and radiation. He was told by medical professionals in 1999 that he had a 5% chance of surviving 5 years. He maintains a mostly raw vegan plant-based diet based on the Hallelujah Acres diet. Jarrod sent us a copy of his book for us to read and learn more about his journey to health. It was fascinating and uplifting to learn of another survivor through natural healing.

As Jeremy continued to contemplate the idea, Jarrod Sessler was planning a trip with his family to Phoenix and they coordinated a day where Jarrod and his family could come over to learn how to make bread. We talked about his experience and he gave me hope that this path of healing that I had chosen is completely possible. One thing he said to me really affected me. He told me that you know you have hit a milestone when there comes a day that you don’t think about cancer. It may not happen for awhile–it may be over a year. But when you wake up one day and realize that you haven’t thought about cancer for a few days, you know that you are moving past your cancer diagnosis. I couldn’t imagine a time when cancer wouldn’t be an ever present thought in my life. Knowing that he was in my position and had moved on was so hopeful. He helped to allay my fears and doubts and solidified my commitment to my diet.

Although Jeremy didn’t end up buying a Freggies franchise, he was still caught up in the idea of starting an organic fresh produce delivery company. He began looking for local organic farms to partner with when he came across Blue Sky Organic Farms located in Litchfield, Arizona. It is a family owned and operated organization. David Vose, the head farmer, began as a chef where he realized and appreciated the value of quality ingredients in a dish. It developed in him a desire to grow quality produce for all to enjoy. Jeremy toured the farm, sampled the vegetables, and discussed with David his idea to create a produce delivery system. Jeremy had bought out a small local vegetable delivery company called Fresh Farm Boxes that already had an existing website and a small collection of customers throughout the Phoenix metro area. Jeremy’s idea was to transition from the conventional produce that was currently being provided to Blue Sky’s organic produce. As the relationship developed, David agreed to provide the produce for the boxes and provide Jeremy a space at the farm to house his operations.

To continue the story, go here.