Cool as a Cucumber!

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In honor of our very warm season, I’ve been trying out various cucumber juice recipes. Why cucumber juice?  Well let me list a few reasons:

from Eric Steinman: “Cucumbers have inherent cooling and hydrating properties.  Besides being loaded with water, potassium, and electrolytes, they are also very rich in Vit C and caffe-ic acid both being compounds that help prevent water retention on hot and punishing days.”

Cucs are about 96% WATER, the epitome of hydration.  All that water helps FLUSH TOXINS from our body.They are VITAMIN RICH, with A, B, C and K, all helping with  boosting immunity, giving us energy, keeping us radiant. Power play the Vits by juicing cucs with carrot and spinach!

Cucumbers contain skin-supporting minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, silicon.  Spa treatments often include cucumbers!

Kidney support: cucumber lower uric acid levels, which keep kidneys happy.

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Refreshes the mouth: Cucumber juice refreshes and heals diseased gums, which also promotes nicer breath.

Cucumber research indicates they are also cancer fighters.

Any ONE of those reasons is good enough to get acquainted with the juicy side of cucumbers!

There are many more reasons and attributes to these humble health guardians.  I’ll let you google “cucumber juice nutrition” while I sip one of the latest experiments:

Juice a peeled English cucumber (the long skinny ones) with 1″ of fresh ginger root, served over ice in a tall frosty glass. Ahhhh!